This website is designed to be a resource to help those facing serious financial problems.  We encourage you to survey the helpful information we post in this site.  If you have recently been sued, you may find the following articles helpful:

Whether due to an illness, job loss, divorce, credit card debt, medical bills or wages that do not keep up with the cost living – many people find themselves in financial distress.

Sam Turco Law Offices helps people in financial trouble understand their options, make choices, and take action to prevent debt problems from escalating out of control.   Our goal is to help you make an educated decision about your financial situation.

Available Resources

Answer to Lawsuit Form

FDCPA Cease & Desist Letter: Stop Phone Calls

Property Exempt from Creditor Claims in Nebraska

$9 Credit Counseling coupon from


New Client Intake Form

IRS Form 4506

Dave Ramsey Discounted DHDR Instruction Sheets

Request for Garnishment Hearing

Claim of Exemptions in State Court Garnishment

Estate Plan Intake Form

IRS Form 982, Forgiveness of Debt

HUD Counselors

Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)

Motion to Vacate Judgment, form

Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment, State Form

National Bank of Commerce v Hamm, 1999 Neb.

Black Acre Purre Trust Case, Neb 1989